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Student Application Materials

The multidisciplinary capstone program has three variations with corresponding course sequences and project distinctions. Students interested in becoming involved in the multidisciplinary capstone program needs to complete a survey that includes the following materials:

  1. A brief description of why you are interested in this course

  2. A current resume (pdf version)

Please click here to complete the application survey.


Students who participate in the multidisciplinary capstone projects should be advanced enough in their major to be able to apply their coursework to the projects in a team of students who may be relying on individual expertise, as they will be from different majors. Therefore, students who are accepted into the program are usually nearing the end of their studies. As soon as students meet the eligibility requirements for the capstone project within their department, they can apply to the multidisciplinary capstone program.

Capstone Sub-Programs


The industry-sponsored projects are run directly through the EED, with sponsorship from industry partners. These projects have two sub-categories:

I. Industry Projects: These projects are focused on the technical analysis and the solution of industry sponsor issues. Students of various majors with an interest in design and experimental analysis work together in these projects.

II. Product Design: These projects are run primarily through the Ohio Innovation Initiative (OII) and are focused on following a product or process through the entire design process, from the initial idea up through marketing of the new product. It works to foster a mutually beneficial relationship between local companies and the Ohio State University. Students of all majors are necessary for the successful completion of the entire design process.

Course Sequence: Engineering 5901.01 and 5902.01

Program Directors: Bob Rhoads and Peter Rogers